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学术预告:11月 10日(周二)晚上19:00-20:10
发布人: 发布时间:2020/11/09 10:44




报告题目:A Multi-Regimes Threshold Financial Conditions Index for China Based on Mixed-frequency Loss Function

时 间:1110日(周二)晚上1900-20:10

地 点:智华经管楼340

报 告 人:陈嘉辉




[内容简介]In this paper, we measure China’s Mixed-frequency Loss Function (MLF) which is extracted from quarterly output gap and monthly inflation gap by mixed-frequency DFM, reflecting the fact that China's monetary policy has dual ultimate targets. A new Multi-Regimes Structural Factor-Augmented Threshold VAR (MR-SFA-TVAR) model, which can contain more information and variables and can estimate more accurately by taking all the variables (not predetermined) in it as candidate threshold variable, is created. We use the MR-SFA-TVAR model to construct a new Multi-Regimes Threshold Financial Conditions Index (MR-TFCI) for China basing on our MLF. The MR-TFCI not only can indicate that the monetary policy transmission mechanism changes significantly under different regimes, but also can accurately track expectations on output and inflation. The empirical results show that China’s MR-TFCI is a better indicator with superior leading ability, correlativity, causality and predictability for output and inflation than 2-Regimes TFCI and 1-Regime FCI

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